All tactics are to strengthen hegemony; Tooftaa hundi olhantummaa jabeessuufii
By Ibsaa Guutamaa | May 25, 2014
Torban dura Oromo hin hidhatin hiriira nagaa irra turan kumoota qawween gad ciraman keessaa kan du’an harka yaraa kan ta’an afurtaman tokko eegumsa ifsa dungoon yaadannoo Camsaa 22, 2014 “White House” fulduratt ta’e irratt maqaan saanii gabaasamee ture. Sun Oromiyaa guutuu keessati raawwatame. Oromo hundi lammiin saanii biyya ofii bakka hallett hoomaan guyyaa saafaa yeroo gad ciraman diina irraa facisuu dadhabuun waan garaa nama waxalu. Yeroo aanga’oo fi qubqabsiis gurguddoon fedha saba saanii hammaa baasanii ilaaluun yeroo ilmoo namaatt roorrifamu callisanii irra darbuun waan nama gaddisiisuu fi aja’ibsiisuu. Bulchooti Itoophiyaa, garee saanii akka Ministeera Dantaa Alaa Amerikaa daawwii irra jiruufillee kabaja kan hin beekne bakka itt walgahan mayila jatama irratt ijoollee Oromoo fixaa ture. Sooka’uu dhabuun saanii deggeruu jechuu dhaa? Sammu hooqqachuun giroo ofiiti. |
The dead are now at their final rest as martyrs, but for the living dead, the wounded and relatives that are at this time in filthy prisons, where they have no space to rest and are being tortured, raped and physically and psychologically being tortured; the parents and grandparents that are sobbing tears unstopping for they were not given the body reportedly. There are also those that have run away in unknown directions exposed to no less cruel elements and wild animals. That is the price to be paid for freedom. For how long could the Oromo bear such shame? The suffering of the Oromo is not ending unless the nation rises in unison to throw off their burden. It is only the abused people themselves that can bring an end to atrocities of greedy colonizer. Let the blood of their students, elderly and toddlers be a challenge and path finder for their way to freedom. For the colonizer the objective is to gain wealth and grandeur. For the victims it is to gain freedom and all they lost. This episode depicts one of enemy tactics. All tactics are to strengthen hegemony.The goal of the colonizer is to exploit material and human resources of the colony unhindered. For that it has to subdue the colonized by all technics it could muster. TPLF is playing that role at present. Federal structure is only a façade. Ethiopia is still a colonial empire. In addition to naked force, ethnic cleansing, impoverishing, terror and blackmailing are tactics of the aggressor to carry its will through. Historical accident has made the Oromo to be defeated in unbalanced encounters. The Oromo well know that Habashaa force and in particular the TPLF is not a long distance runner but a hundred meters sprinter, not a leopard but a cheetah. The leopard is yet to rise to force the cheetah surrender its kill. The Colonizers reign of terror and genocide will be around only until Oromo show full determination to take back all they lost. All colonizers have seen to it that Oromiyaa should not develop viable leadership. They hunted down and killed them or murdered in captivity. The rest are exiled or perished in Habashaa mountain prisons. Still others were sold as slaves with millions of their followers. Those were and are their methods of control and subjugation. Oromo has to reverse that, encourage those they have and expose the moles in them.The ensuing regimes made sure that no Oromo offspring could grow up free of their strict control of mind and body. Every Oromo was subjected to giving up own identity and taking that of the invaders. They lost all they have and forced to give up on their language, culture and religion and even their personal names among other things. Despite the human suffering in front of them, their nationals were indoctrinated that whatever is being done was reflection of their greatness. That is how they remained fixed in that ideology of greatness. Otherwise they will not push for a venture whose ultimate lose would be greater than gain. That type of terror and ethnic cleansing and impoverishment continued unchallenged until the few that by chance escaped through their fingers gained political consciousness. Those started to question legitimacy of the system surprising them all. That helped the overthrow of the aristocracy and the military communist party that was replaced by Tigrawayi national party dictatorship.
Today constitution and laws are proclaimed prophesying equal treatment for all to hoodwink the naive. But the empire state remained one covetous group show, previously Amaaraa and now Tigrawayi. The policy of denying Oromo leadership, equal opportunity to education and access to wealth has continued with more vigor. TPLF has policy to destroy Oromo middle class as shown on its paper “Hizbawii Adaraa”. This policy in particular targets Oromo struggle. They do not want to see any economically strong Oromo national that may by any chance finance Oromo independent movements. That is to deny Oromo basic necessity of growth and survival.
In general the Oromo are being robbed and impoverished through taxation, fund raisings, plundering and evictions all with the intention of depleting their number and strength. Majority of Oromo cannot put enough food on the table for the family. They have no running water for cleaning or drinking. They have no descent shelter that could protect them from elements. Health facility and clothing are luxury items to talk about; their problems are tangible ones. Despite that some development and financial institutions are talking about high rate Ethiopia’s economic growth. How many Oromo should be killed, displaced, go hungry and disease ridden in order for Finfinnee to be awash in sky scrapers? Is it a joke or is growth something intangible that falls beyond human comprehension? What is benefit of growth if it does not positively touch the life of majority? Is that also another tactic of conspirators to cover the hidden genocide that is caused by evictions and dislocations done by the aggressor against the Oromo? Majority population is unemployed and depends on few family relations. Government rather than helping is adding to burden of the few through evictions, sending back war victims, and dismissals from institutions of learning.
Settling non Oromo on land Oromo reserved for their expanding family is another tactic of destabilizing Oromo communities and destroying social harmony. The new settlers are minority and always afraid of the dispossessed majority around them. For this reason they look on the most oppressive regime as their protector and so serve it as agents of doom. Fear of the Oromo is not hammered into such settlers minds alone but also all minorities living in Oromiyaa and its neighborhood. With the numerous agent provocateurs it scattered in the country, TPLF has tried several times to create discord between Oromiyaa and its neighbors. There were times when it was successful. Such tactics of destabilizing Oromiyaa includes setting of one Oromo clan against the other as well. This has come down from generation to generation for a century. But this time it is an open secret.
The regime also dislocates Oromo families from one part of Oromiyaa and settles them in another. That is to create inconvenience and deny them the use of environ they know as protection against the aggressor. The rulers also grabbed lands around towns and evicted productive inhabitants with pretext of development. In reality it is to push away Oromo farther for grand plan they have for Finfinnee and other cities. The evicted are left to their fate many have already turned homeless and beggars. One has only to imagine what could befall Oromo women. It is certain for their lives to be cut short. Oromo has never been known for begging in such numbers and at such age until now. They had never begged. Such tactic has come down from time of occupation leading some evictees and captives into arms of their enemy to serve and live as helping hand, soldiers and other functionaries out of necessity.
The prohibitive urban land leasing system also keeps away most Oromo from settling in Finfinnee. That contributes to making non Oromo speaking majority city dwellers. Since they do not want Finfinnee to remain an island in an Oromo sea they will expand it until more side of it is bordered by other peoples. Thus Finfinnee has continued to become a non-Oromo speaking territory and stranger to its owner. Land means a lot for survival of national spirit. For the Oromo to part with land is a matter of life and death.
The system of education that limits the majority to tenth grade is similar with the “Sector Review” of the emperor, one of the causes that led to his downfall. That has now come back for the same tactical reason. In principle such a curriculum change requires availability of enough technical and vocational schools that can absorb students that are limited to only ten years of schooling. Otherwise the principle of right of children to learn in their first language recognized by the world and whose implementation was achieved with sacrifices of thousands of Oromo heroes and heroines will be defeated. The denial of such right should not be expected to be passed silently for intimidation will no more make Oromo youth to worship alien language. The past is spilt milk.
There are disparities in the way education is managed in the colonial mother land and Oromiyaa. The qualities of teachers and supply of school materials are at variance. Their children are taught to become leaders while those of Oromiyaa are condemned to become manual laborers and penniless lumpen. The Qubee generation is being punished for choosing to learn own language. The biggest employer, the Federal Government and most employers in Finfinnee require proficiency in Amharic and English to get a job at any level without consideration to the rights of Qubee generation if not priority at least to equal opportunity to work in their own country. Because of it Oromo cannot be hired even as office boys or gate guards. Thus of all the towns Finfinnee is becoming off limits for Oromo children. All is aimed at making the Oromo to regret choosing their language as a medium of learning. But that will never happen for the solution is not submission but struggle for freedom and national self -determination. That must never stop. The sacrifice to be made can be immense but the choice is to be free or remain second class citizen forever.
Any person from any part of the empire or the world can live work and develop property in Finfinnee or any other towns of Oromiyaa according to known customs. Towns are centers for manufacturing and commerce. Capital has no nation; it develops and migrates to wherever the environment is conducive for it. From history we learn that change from rural to urban is development that cannot be avoided. Towns are centers for business men, industrialists, service givers and workers. Anyone can settle and work in towns of Oromiyaa but that does not give them the right to undermine Oromiyaa’s sovereignty.
It will be only mutual understanding and respect for each other’s interest and dignity that could produce good neighborliness. In this period of transition, the two prominent outlooks are the right of nations to national self-determination that includes independence and absoluteness of unity of all the peoples under Ethiopian Empire. For this reason, questions about solving the empire’s post-colonial problems are posed from different premises so are antagonistic. It could be solved only by war, which is bad, unless all groups recognize that unity should be based on the will of each people. TPLF’s constitution though insincere has recognized that only the will of each people is what matters. Liberation of Oromiyaa is liberation of all her good intentioned inhabitants. That is what Gadaa dictates.
The Oromo Liberation Front and many opposition parties are branded by TPLF as terrorists. Even big powers are observed giving ears to such false allegation of TPLF and affecting relations with individuals. That is in return to the service it gives them. The source of service is Oromiyaa; if only Oromo could assert themselves there will not be reason for soliciting indirect service. Yet it remains mind boggling to see those that claim to be cradle of democracy sanctioning an autocratic regime carte blanche.
In Oromiyaa any Oromo can be arrested, imprisoned, killed and tortured alleged as OLF or al-Qaida. In most cases no fair hearing is necessary. As a result many Oromo members of legal opposition parties are found behind bars without fair trial. Even some members of the OPDO suspected of being sympathetic to OLF are purged alleged as “Kiraayi Sabsaabii” (rent seekers). That is term used to cover all those that question TPLF’s orders. They also push PDO members to do wrong and set them up for blackmailing when they refuse to do things against their conscience.
It is known that objectives of the occupier are to subdue and plunder Oromiyaa and dehumanize the people for benefit of a group. Its recognition of Oromiyaa state is a tactic to distract Oromo patriots from their push for independence until it is in a position to challenge them. But it can never achieve legitimacy over Oromiyaa for it remains a colonizer now or ever. Many dwellers of most towns are remnants of gun wielders of old colonial days and those that were given favored status by successive regimes. Those still dream of staying at the top of the ladder. They even dare to demand special privilege of reporting to power in Finfinnee bypassing Oromiyaa.
Oromiyaa has no choice except to defend her rights against enemy tactics of naked force, ethnic cleansing, evictions, impoverishment, terrorism and blackmailing. All tactics are to strengthen hegemony over Oromiyaa. Massacres since 1991 have been ignored by those that were able to bring to the attention of world public. Then communication networks were not as accessible by commoners as it is today. The Wayyaanee can no more hide genocide it is committing.
Once a rebel prince said, “Bees that their hives are disturbed and people that lost hope are the same.” The Oromo have lost all hope that the present Ethiopian regime can change its colonial policy of aggression. That was why student protests started recently and the response proved Oromo’s fear. Town plan is only what is called the “last straw that broke the camel’s back”. The bees are out to defend their hives and survival of the swarm. So also is the Oromo, nobody should expect the momentum will cool down for long. The only good solution for the region is to solve the conflict peacefully before arrogance of a group destroys it. All that have stake in the region are required to pay at most attention. Oromiyaa is no more the feudal fief it was and the Oromo no more tenants of pre 1974 era.
Oromiyaa will never forget her martyrs; she will ever keep their deeds above the grave through songs and memorials. The Oromo are asking “Where are you taking our heroes?” There is nothing more humiliating than being killed, kicked, exiled and despised by minority. Unless they are able to discard such humiliation being human comes under question; it would also be not long to be extinct as a nation. If they could coordinate the number and bravery of the Oromo no one could stand against of them. It is the Oromo themselves and no one else is to be waited for the coordination. They will do it. Remember the saying, “The snake said, it is oneself that can roll one up”. This is what should not take time. Social consciousness that is so far gained has to continue. On the political side history has to be renewed and the coming out of Oromo struggle with unified mature leadership is not something that gives time.
What those with nostalgia for the days before 1974 should take to mind is that Oromiyaa has continued to refuse living in the past. Because they are numerous tenants cannot deny the right of land owner and guests cannot deny the right of the host over his house. From wherever the inhabitants came, no amount of tactics and massacres can stop Oromiyaa from getting sovereignty over her towns. Not to note this interest of the Oromo nation and fail to understand the peaceful way of disengagement amounts to choosing the failed way of colonial supremacy. All have something to profit from peace and a lot to lose from violence! But if only violence could bring peace and stability and since life has no meaning without them let it be. Long live the struggle for peace and liberation! Down with human massacre and aggression! Oromiyaa shall be built with sweat and blood of her patriots! Qabsoon itt fufa!!
Honor and glory for the fallen heroines and heroes; liberty equality and freedom for the living and nagaa and araaraa for the Ayyaanaa of our fore parents!
Ibsaa Guutama
May 2014
| Kan du’an akka dabaankufootaatt bakka boqonnaa saanii dhumaa jiru, kan jiraa du’anii, kanneen madaawanii fi firooti yeroo kana mana hidhaa faalamaa keessa bakka itt gad ciisanillee hin qabne fi qaamaa fi sammuquwiin guraaramaa, gudeedamaa; reefa waan hin arganneef abaa fi haadhaa fi akaakayyuu imimmaan roobsaa jiran gidiraan saan itt fufee jira. Kan gara milli isaan geessett baqachuun hamaa caalaatt,. o’aa, qorra, bokkaa fi bineens dagalaatt saxilamaa jiranis ni argamu. Sun hundi gatii birmadummaaf gaafatamu. Hamma yoomiitt laata Oromoon kan qaanii akkasii baatee ta’u? Hamma sabichi harka walqabatee ka’uun ba’aa saa ofirraa hin fonqolchinett gadadoon Oromoo hin raawwatu. Ummata itt roorrifame qofa kan balaa koloneeffataa albaadhess kanaan dhufu dhaabuu danda’u. Dhigii barattoota, angafootaa fi kurkrtuu saanii didhaa itt bulchee fana dhooftuu gara bilisummaatt geessu isaaniif haa ta’u. Koloneeffataaf akeekii duroomaa fi dagaagina argachuu dha. Gaaga’amtootaaf garuu akeeki saanii bilisummaa fi kan dhaban deeffachuu dha. Kan ta’e kun tooftaa diinaa keessaa tokko. Tooftaa hundi olhantummaa jabeessuu dha.Akeeki koloneeffataa qabeenya waatattaa fi humna namaa kolonootaa ittisa malee bolquu dha. Sanaaf mala argachuu danda’u hundaan koloneeffamaa jilbeenfachisuuf tattaafata. Yeroo amma TPLF qooda sana fudhachaa jira. Caasaan federaalaa fulduree qofaa. Herrega kamiinuu Itophiyaan ammallee empayera kolonummaati. Humna buubaa,lammii biyyaa haqanii baasuu, deegsa, goolii, fi dorsisi tooftota mancaasaan fedha saa bakkaan gahuf dhimma itt bahu. Danuun seenaa akka Oromoon walitt bu’a wal hin madaalleen injifatamu tolche. Oromoon akka Habashaan keessaayyuu TPLF haxiixaa meetra dhibbbaa malee kan karaa dheeraa akka hin taane beekaa; hamaaketa malee qeeransa mitii. Qeerransichi gurraachii kan hamaaketi ajjeeffatte yeroon ka’ee irraa buufatu fagoo hin ta’u. Barri bulcha goolii fi fixiqacee koloneeffataaa hamma Oromoon kan saamame deeffachuuf murannoon walga’ee ka’utt qofa tura. Koloneeffatoo hundi akka Oromiyaan hoggana roga qabu hin baafanne gochaa jiraatani. Adamsanii qoomaa yk boojuu harkatt kufe ajjeesaa turani. Kan hafan biyyaa bahan yk hidhaa gaarreen Habashaa irratt dhumani. Kanneen biro hordoftoota saanii kumkumoota waliin garbummaan gurguraman. Sun ammayyuu tooftaa too’annoo fi gabbarsiisa saaniitii. Oromoon cookkoo saa gochuu dhaa, kan qabu jajjabeesssaa qoree saanii dhoqqee keessaa saxiluutu irra jira.Bulchooti itt haananii dhufan akka ilmaan Oromoo takkallee too’annoo saanii sammuu fi qaamaa alatt hin guddanne mirkaneeffataa turani. Oromoo hundi eenyummaaa ofii gatanii kan koloneeffattuu akka fudhatan dirqisiifamaa bahan. Kan qaban hunda dhabanii afaan saanii, aadaa saanii, fi amantee saanii maqaan dhuunfaallee utuu hin hafin gad dhiisisani. Lammooti koloneeffataa gadadoo ummataa utuma arganii sun hundi dagaagina saanii kan calaqisuu ta’uun madaqfamanii. Kan isaan ilaalcha hunda caallaatti dhandhoonamanii hafan akka san ta’eetu. Sanaaf malee gocha bu’aa caalaa badiisi itt fidu hin dhiiban turani. Goolii, haqa lammii fi deegsi akkasii hamma jarri yartuun quba saanii keessaan miliqxe dammaqina malbulchaa guddifattee nakkaruu eegaltett itt fufee ture. Jarri yartuun kun seerawummaa sirnichaa gaaffii jala oolchuun hunda malalchiifte. Sun mootummaa abbaa gonfoo fi gola kumunistii loltuu, gola sabaawaa Tigraawayiin bakka buufame finqilchuu gargaaree ture.
Hardha gowwaa karaa irraa maqsuuf heeraa fi seeroti hunda walqixee laalu jedhan labsamaniiru. Garuu finnaan empayeraa doo’ii murna albaadhessa tokkoo, duraan Amaara, amma Tigraawayi ta’ee hafe. Imaammati, Oromoo hoogansa, barumsatt carraa wal qixxee fi qabeenyatt saaqaa dhabsiisuun humna caalaan si’aawaan oofamaa jira. TPLF akka barruu saa “Hizbaawii Adaraa” jedhamuutt gita giddu galeessa Oromo baleessuuf karoorfachuu saatu muldhataa. Karoorfati kun addatt kan xiyyeeffate qabsoo Oromoo irrattii. Sabboonaa Oromoo diinagdeen jabaa ta’e akkka tasaa sochii Oromoo walaba utubuu danda’innaa jedhanii arguu hin fedhani. Sun Oromoo waan fedha bu’uuraa fi baraaramaa dhabsiisa.
Waliigalatt humna fi lakkofsa saanii gad cabsuuf, Oromoon, ajjeechaa, gibira, baasii gargaarsaa, saamicha fi buqqaafamaan mancaafamaa fi deegfamaa jiru. Oromoo garri wayyabi warraa fi maatiif nyaata gabatee irra kaa’uu hin danda’ani. Bishaan dhugaatii fi qulqullinaaa, godoo mataa jala galfatan hin qabani. Tajaajilli fayyaa fi daarrii dubbatamuuf waan qananii ta’u; rakkoon saanii waan mullatu. Sun ta’us dhaaaboti misoomaa fi horoo, waa’ee deetii guddinaa olaanaa Itoophiyaan agarsiiste jedhanii hodeesuu. Finfinneett akka fooqiin toora galuuf Oromoo hammammi ajjeefamuu, buqqifamuu, beela’uu fi dhukkubaan faalamuu qabu? Qoosaamoo guddinni waaan hin mullane, qayyabannoo ilmaan namaa irraa fagoo ta’e laata? Yoo jireenya wayyabaaf hin tolu ta’e bu’aan guddinaa maalii? Sunis tooftaa biraa sadootaa kan fixaqaccee, buqqifamaa fi bakkaa sochoosaa roorrisaan Oromoo irratt raawwate golguufii laata? Dilormaa wayyabi hojii waan hin qabneef firoota yartuu irratt hirkachuuf dirqamee jira. Mootummaan jedhame sana gargaaruun hafee kan waraanaatt ergee fafawani, lafaa saanii irraa kan buqqisee fi waabarii kan ari’e ol deebisuun ba’aa jaruma yaraa sana irratt dabalaa jira.
Lafa Oromoon maatii guddataa jiru itt sochoosuuf ol kaatan irra Oromoomittii qubachiisuun, tooftaa biraa hawaasa Oromoo tasgabii dhabsiisuu fi atooma balleessuuf tolfamaa jiru. Jarri qubatan yaroon, wayyaba qabeenya saa dhabsiisame naanna saanii jiru ni sodaatu. Kanaaf roorrisaa gita hin qabne akka fayyisaa saaniitt ilaaluun keettoo badii ta’anii isaaf ma’ii baasu. Oromoon sodaachisuun, sammuu jara qubatan kana qofatt utuu hin ta’in, kan yaroo Oromiyaa keessa jiranii fi olla jiraatan hundaatt gad tumamaa jiraa. Tuqii kitila biyya keessa facaaseen TPLF Oromiyaa fi olloota see gidduutt waldhabdee uumuuf yero hedduu yaala, yeroon milkaawus jira. Tooftaan Oromiyaa burjaajessuu akkasii qomoo Oromoo tokko kan biratt naquus ni dabalata. Kun jaarraa tokkoo oliif dhalootaa dhalootatt darbaa waan dhufe.
Bulchichi Oromoo bakka tokkoo sochoosuun bakka biraa geessee ni qubachiisa. Sun akka itti hin tollee fi naannaa baratanitt dhimma bahuun hamaa irraa of golguu akka hin dandeenye gochuufi. Misoomatt qabachuun lafa saamanii ummata homishaa naannaa magaalaa buqqisaa jiru. Dhugaan saa karoora guddicha Finfinnee qabaniif Oromoo irraa fageessuu dha. Kan buqqifaman hiree saaniitt dhifamanii, hedduun qaata ala buloota fi kadhattoota ta’ani. Kan dubaroo Oromoo irra gahuu dandahu haa hednu. Lubbuun hundaa akka gabaabbatu mirkanii dha. Akka ammaa Oromoon takkaa umrii kanaan lakkobsa hammanaan kadhachuun hin beekamu. Gonkumayyuu hin kadhatu ture. Tooftaan akkasii erga qabamaatii kaasee buqqaattuu fi boojuun tokko tokko rakkinaan kan ka’e diinatt galanii, akka gargartuu, loltu fi hojjettuu jiruu adda addaatt tajaajilaa dhufani.
Kiraayiin lafaa hin qabsiifnes Oromoo hedduu Finfinnee keessa jiraachuu irraa fageessa. Sun jiraattoti magaalaa akka kan afaan Oromoo hin dubbannett heddummatan gumaacha. Finfinneeen akka laaqii gabra Oromoo keessaa hin tanee hanga garri caalaan see ummatoota biraan daanga’amanitt ballisuu itt fufuu. Finfinneen egaa, biyya afaan Oromoo hin dubbanne ta’uu itt fufuun abbaa biyyaaf halagaa tahaa jirti. Baraarama ayyaana sabaaf, lafti waan guddaa dha. Oromoof too’annoon lafa saa harkaa bahuun dhimma du’aa fi jireenyaa taatii.
Sirni barumsaa wayyaba kutaa kurnaffatti danga’u “Sector Review” Mootii Moottotaan walfakkaata; kaasaa isa conqplaachisan keessaa tokko. Sababa tooftaa walfakaatan sanatu deebi’ee dhufe. Akka akeekaatt jijjiirammi sirna barumsaa akkasii irratt tolfamu ijoolee akka waggaa kudhan caalaa hin baranne godhamaniif duraan dursee waabarii teeknikaa fi leenjisaa gahaa qopheessuu feesisa. Sana malee kaayyoon daa’immi akka afaansee ganamaan barattu addunyaan irratt waliigalee fi wareegama gootota Oromoo kumootan hojii irra oolfame fashalsiisuu ta’a. D oorsis sichi dargaggoo Oromoo afaan halagaa akka waaqeffatan gochuu waan hin dandeenyeef mirgoota akkasii dhorgachuun kan eegamu miti. Akki durii harma jigee.
Akki itt barumsi biyya koloneeffataa fi Oromiyaatt gaggeeffamu adda addaa. Akaakuun barsiisotaa fi dhiheessiin waatattaa barumsaa wal hin gitani. Ijoolleen saanii hogganoota akka ta’an kan Oromiyaa hojjii humnaa fi jawwarummaatu itt murtaawe. Dhalooti Qubee afaan ofii barachuu filachuu saaniif adabamaa jiru. Qaxaraa guddichi, Mootummaan Federaalaa fi qaxartooti Finfinnee garri caalan utuu mirga durfannoo yoo hin taanee carraa walqixxxeee biyya ofii keessatt hojii argachuu dhaloota Qubee utuu hin hedin sadarkaa kamittuu qaxaramuuf dandeettii afaan Amaaraa fi Inglishii gaafatu. Bakka sana kan wal caalmaan itt seentu tokko. Sababa sanaan Oromoon akka ergamtuu waajjiraa fi eegduu karraatt illee qaxaramuuf mirgi saanii mulqamaa dha. Magaalota hundaa keessaa Finfinneen ijoollee Oromoof kan itt hin aggaamamne taatee jirti. Hundi kan aggaamame Oromoon afaan ofiitt dhimma bahuu akka gaabbu gochuu dha. Garuu sun gonka hin ta’u, furmaati jilbeenfachuu utuu hin ta’in mirga sabii hiree ofii ofiin murteeffachuu fi walabummaaf qabsaawuudha. Sun xifa dhaabbachuun irra hin jiru. Aarsaan gaafatu guddaa ta’uu dandaha garuu filmaati jiru bilisoomu yk nambiyyaa gadgaloo ta’anii bara baraan jiraachuu dha.
Nammi kamuu akka seera beekamaatt empayeritt yk addunyaa gara fedhee Finfinnee yk magaalaa Oromiyaa kamuu keessa jiraatee hojjechuu fi qabeenya horachuu ni danda’a. Magaaloti wiirtuu hoomishaa fi daldalaati. Kaapitaallii saba hin qabu; naannaa itt tole kamittuu guddachuu fi godaanuu danda’a. Seenaa irraa akka barannutt baadiyyaa irraa magaalaatt guddachuu dhaabuun hin danda’amu. Daldalooti, hoomisheessoti, tajaajila kennooti fi hojjettooti bakki saanii magaalaa dha. Eenyuu magaalota Oromiyaa keessa qubatee hojjechuu ni danda’a garuu sun mirga moo’ummaa Oromiyaaf giroo dhabuu danda’u jechuu miti
Kan olla gaarii walii ta’ani, wal qayyabatanii fi dantaa fi ulfina walii yoo walii eeganii. Yeroo cehumsaa kana ilaalchoti gurgudaa lamatu jiru. tokko mirga sabootaa hiree ofii ofiin murteeffachuu walabummaa dabalatuu mirkanrrffachuu fedhan, kaan tokkummaaan ummatoota empayera jala jiranii kan hin uggamne kan jedhani. Kanaaf furmaati rakkina empayerittii bara kolonummaa duubaa irraa ka’a adda addaa wal fincilan qabu. Yoo murnooti hundi tokkummaan fedha tokko tokkoon ummatootaa irratt akka hundaawuu hin fudhannee lola malee hin furamu, sun badaa dha. Heerri TPLF dira’ina haaqabaatu malee dhimma kan baasu fedha tokko tokkoon ummatootaa tahu beekeeraa. Bilisummaan Oromiyaa bilisummaa jiraattota see ilaalcha dansa qaban hundaati. Dudhaan Gadaa sana ajajaa.
ABO fi golooti mormituu hedduun TPLFn gooltuumaan dhahamaniiru. Anga’ooti jecha sobaa akkasiitiif gurra kennuun yeroo hariiroo abba tokkootaa tuqan mullatta jira. Sun tajaajila kenneef dudda baasuuf jedhameetuu. Maddi tajaajilaa Oromiyaa dhaa; utuu Oromoon of agarsiisuu dandahee waantii naannaan tajaajila soqaniif hin jiraatu. Haa ta’u malee kan sammuu nama hooqu kanneen burqaa demokraasiiti ofiin jedhan abbaan humnaa waan fedhe akka godhu hayyama gaddhiisaa laachuu saaniiti.
Oromiyaa keessatt Oromoo kamuu ABO yk Al-Qaayidaa jedhamee qabamuu, hidhamuu, ajjeefamuu fi guraaramuu ni danda’a. Gara caaluu qajeelloon dhagahamuun barbaachisaa miti. Kanaaf miseensoti goloolta Oromoo mormituu dubbiin saanii qajeelaan utuu hin laalamin hiddhamanii jiru. Miseensoti OPDO tokko tokkollee ABO marfachuun ciicatamanii “kiraayi sabsaabii” jedhamuun yoo ari’aman mullata. Sun qooqa kanneen gocha TPLFtt gaafii kaasan hundaaf dhimma baasuu. Miseensota PDO saanii hamaatti dhiibuun duuba ittiin dorsisanii seexaan saanii kan hin hayyamneef akka tolchan dirqsiisuunis beekamaa dha. Kan hardha gateettii rurrukatan bor hudduu keessa dhiituu.
Akeekii kan qabatee Oromiyaa bu’aa murna tokkoof gadi qabee saamuu, Oromoo namummaa baasuu dha. FInnaa Oromoo beekuun saa hanga qabaa jabeeffatee didhuu danda’utt jaalbiyyoota Oromoo akka walabummaa hin dhiibne gara dabarsuufii. Garuu ammas yoomis kolneeffataa waan ta’uuf Oromiyaa irratt seerawummaa hin argatu. Jiraattoti magaalaa hedduu horee nafxanyoota duri fi kanneen moototi walitt haananii dhufan mararfatanii. .Jara keessaa kaan bantii riqaa irra turuu abjootuu. Oromiyaa irra darbanii kunuunsa Finfinneett gabaasuu faa gaafatuu u.
Tooftaan humna daangaa hin qabne, haqa lammii, buqqa’umsa, deegfama, goolii fi doorsisaatt roorrisaan dhimma bahus Oromiyaan mirga see irraa hamaa faccisuu malee filamata hin qabdu. Fixisi ummataa 191 kaasee tolfamaa bahe silaa kanneen hubannoo addunyaatti fidhuu danda’aniin irra ilaalamee hafe. Sannaayiroon quunnamitii namoota taraaf akka ammaa saaqaamaa hin turree. Wayyaaneen si’achi fixasanyyi gootu dhoffachuu hin dandeessu.
Altokko doonnachoo fincilaan takko “Kanniisi gaagurri see tuqamee fi ummati abdii kutate tokko” jedhee turee. Mootummaan Itoophiyaa si’an jiru imaammata roorrisa kolonummaa ni jijjiira jedhee hin abdatu. Kanaafi moormii dhiheenya barattooti eegalanii fi deebiin kenname soda Oromoo mirkaneesse kan jedhamu. Karoorii magaalaa citaa isee dhumaa gala dugda kutte jedhamu sana. Kanniisi kan yaa’anii gaagura fi tuuta saanii baraaruufi. Oromoonis kanumaa, eenyuu kan eegalame yeroo dheeraaf ni qabanaawa jedhee eegachuu hin qabuu. Furmaati tokkittiin godinichaaf jiru utuu ofirrummaan murnaa manca’uu irraan hin gahin waldhabdee nagaan furuudha. Kanneen godinicha keessaa dhimmi saa isaan laalu hundi xiyyeeffannoo sardaa kennuufiitu irraa eegama. Oromiyaa akka durii gulummaal fudaal mitii, Oromoonis ciisanyaa baroota 1974 duraa sana hin ta’an.
Oromiyaa dabaankufoota see yoomuu hin irraanfatu; jabduu saanii faaruun, siidaan bara baraan bollaa ol jiraachisti. Oromoon bakka bakkaa “Gootota keenya eessaan dhaqxu” jedhaa jira. Gaddaa fi waacifi walmakeera. Yartuun ajjeefamuu, dhiitamuu, biyyaa ari’amuu fi tuffatamuu, isee nyaachisanii daa’ima ofii agabuu bulchuu caalaa salphinni hin jiru. Salphina kana ofirraa hin buusan taanaan namummaan gaaffii jala ooltii; akka sabaatt badunis fagoo hin ta’tuu. Baayyina fi onnee Oromo qindeessinaan kan jala dhaabbatu hin jiru. Oromoomatu of qindeessa malee nama biraa eeggachuu hin qabu. Of qindeessas. “Abbatu of mara jette bofti” kan jedhan yaadachuu dha. Kun bulee ooluu waan hin qabnee. Karaa hawasomaa dammaqinni argame itt fufuu qaba. Karaa malbulchaa seenaan haromee, Qabsoon Oromo hoggansa tokkoome bilchaataan gadi bahuun waan yeroo hin kenninee.
Kanneen guyyoota 1974 duraa yaadan kan hubachuu qaban Oromiyaan bara durii keessa jiraachuu diduu dha. Wiirtota magaalaa see kan lafquwii, diinagdee fi hawaasomaan walkeessa seenanii jiran irratt sagalee jabaa qabaachuu feeti. Heddummataniif ciisanyooti abbaa lafaa mirga saa yk keessumootii mana abbaa manaa irraa fudhachuu hin danda’ani. Jiraattoti saaanii eessaayuu haa dhufanii, tooftaa fi fixiisii hagamiiyyuu akka Oromiyaan magaalota see irratt mo’ummaa hin arganne dhaabuu hin dandahanii. Fedha saba Oromoo hubachuu dhabuun karaa nagaan gargar deeman qayyabachuu diduun karaa fafawe olhaantummaa koloneessaatt geessu filachuu ta’a. Hundi nagaa irraa waan buufatuu fi lola irraa waan dhabu hedduu qaba. Garuu lolli qoftii nagaa fi tasgabii buusa taanaan jireenyi nagaa malee waan dhimma hin baafneef haa ta’u. Qabsoon bilisummaa fi nagaa haa jiraatu! Hacuuccaa fi ajjeechaan haa manca’u! Oromiyaa walaba dafqaa fi dhiiga jaalbiyyoota seen ni ijaarra! Qabsoon itt fufa!
Ulfinaa fi surraan gootota kufaniif; walabummaa, walqixxummaa fi bilisummaan kan hafaniif; nagaa fi araarri Ayyaana abboolii fi ayyoliif haa tahu!
Ibsaa Guutama
Caamsaa 2014 |
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